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We are an integrative holistic health practice in Toluca Lake, CA. While we have a soft spot for fertility, we provide comprehensive natural healthcare to all in a relaxing environment to help you achieve your various wellness goals.

We strive to educate and empower people to make the best choices for their health. It’s your body, so you should have the tools to properly understand it and make decisions that feel right for you.





Our specialty is developing personalized treatment plans to help women with fertility challenges, IVF support, difficult menstrual cycles, and hormonal imbalances. 

Pregnancy & Postpartum

We support women through both pregnancy and postpartum recovery, helping with morning sickness, back pain, low milk supply, mood swings, and more.

Women’s Health

We take a holistic approach to help women through irregular menstruation, painful periods, perimenopause & menopause .

Customized Treatments

Our focus is on treating your body’s unique conditions through customized treatments for hormone balancing, pain management, and digestive disorders.

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Dr Beck holding a young infant in her arms and smiling; los angeles fertility natural medicine

Natural Medicine

No other complete medical system has lasted for thousands of years on nearly every continent, safely and successfully treating a wide range of afflictions, including pain, digestive disorders, stress, hormonal imbalances, and infertility. The best part is that this medicine can evolve with you as your body goes through its various stages. Regardless of your specific concerns, we provide safe and inclusive care without judgment. There can always be a natural solution by your side.