4 Ways Exercise Gives You Vibrant And Youthful Skin

A woman in exercise gear who is doing high knees outdoors.

We all know the basics when improving the overall look and health of our skin, but do you ever think about exercise and heart health to give you a more youthful, radiant appearance?

Here are four ways exercising regularly can help reduce stress and heal your skin.

Working Out Improves Circulation

Your skin has a complex system of small blood vessels in order to deliver oxygen filled blood and nutrients.  The more you exercise, the more your heart is able to pump this blood to your skin, delivering a more glowing youthful appearance. 

Increases Collagen Production

Your beating heart also helps boost collagen.  When you improve circulation, the oxygen and nutrients also encourage collagen production and skin cell renewal. This is one of the key factors to improving your skin’s elasticity and maintaining its smooth appearance.

Eliminate Free Radicals

Reducing waste products and removing free radicals is another benefit to improved circulation. Free radicals can lead to premature aging, so think of this benefit as an internal cleanse for your skin. 

Reduced Stress

Taking the time to exercise reduces stress and improves sleep. Less stress means less time spent with stressful facial expressions. No one wants the wrinkles created from a furrowed brow and stressed out appearance. 

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