Your Guide To Strong And Healthy Fingernails
It’s that time of year again. The air is as cold and dry as a martini, and all you want to do is put your butt directly in the fireplace with some cozy socks and ratty sweatpants. Baby it’s cold outside! and each year you are faced with the same dry, cracked brittle nails.
How to battle the effects of Jack Frost on those sad little paws? Even though the winter climate has the same effect on your nails as it does on your skin, there are still some unique ways we can lower the stress of our nail health during the dark days of winter.
Here are some tips to keep your nails healthy and strong:
Wear Gloves
The solvents and chemicals that we use during our Sunday household chores can have a profound effect on our nail and skin health. Make sure to wear gloves when exposed to these chemicals.
You Are What You Eat
Foods high in omega 3s and 6s will aid in moisturizing the nail beds and thicken nails. Eating foods like salmon, eggs, liver, and milk can all help fortify your nail health.
Hydrate Like Crazy
It’s what nails need. The proper moisturizer can keep nails supple and prevent splitting. Rubbing cuticle oil on before bed (olive oil can work in a pinch) can stave off winter’s dry cold snaps.